An Online High School
College Preparatory Program

Your education decision will help shape your life direction. We emphasize customizing our curriculum to meet our students’ academic needs.

Learning is more productive when the curriculum is customized to fit the student rather than trying to make the student fit”a curriculum.

We offer the best of both worlds: the reputation of a leading Online education program and an affordable, flexible program.

Our core curriculum is geared toward preparing students for college and beyond. It includes an Online high school required curriculum of 21.5 credits.

A boy is writing on paper at the table

Find Excellence Without Compromise

While we accept applications and enroll students at any time year-round, we receive hundreds of applications for review at our online high school.

Students who apply and enroll expeditiously with complete and thorough applications will receive our most thoughtful consideration.

A black background with the word edge in front of it.
Edgenuity is an online learning resource used by more than 20,000 schools and 3.5 million students annually in the U. S. This includes Washington, American High School and 20 of the 25 largest school districts in the U.S.
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Preparing Students for Success in High School, College,
and Beyond.

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Explore The School

Our power of choice is untrammelled & when nothing prevents.

  • Honor Courses-AP video

  • U.S. High School Diploma

  • Pre- College Summer Programs

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Honor Courses-AP video

Washington American High School offers 38 Advanced
Placement® course align with college-level standards.
Learn more about the AP program

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U.S. High School Diploma

Marketability, high school students earning
our Washington American High School
diploma increase their marketability when
applying to colleges and universities.

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Pre- College Summer Programs

Our admissions experts offers end-to-end pre-college
summer application counseling giving our students the
ability to get accepted globally into the most competitive
internship programs.
Learn more about the AP program

Multiple Layers of Student Services

Register!.. to study in Next Academic Year 2025-2026.

What is Regional Accreditation?

Regional accreditation means a secured membership in one of the six regional associations that accredit schools in the 50 U.S. states and in many foreign countries. The six regional associations recognized as the accrediting bodies for public schools throughout the country are:

  • Northwest Accreditation Commission
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
  • Middle States Association Secondary
  • New England Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges
  • North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Coming Soon

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exciting behind the scenes.
Will be back soon, Stay tuned!