Your education decision will help shape your life direction. We emphasize customizing our curriculum to meet our students’ academic needs.
Learning is more productive when the curriculum is customized to fit the student rather than trying to make the student fit”a curriculum.
We offer the best of both worlds: the reputation of a leading Online education program and an affordable, flexible program.
Our core curriculum is geared toward preparing students for college and beyond. It includes an Online high school required curriculum of 21.5 credits.
While we accept applications and enroll students at any time year-round, we receive hundreds of applications for review at our online high school.
Students who apply and enroll expeditiously with complete and thorough applications will receive our most thoughtful consideration.
Our power of choice is untrammelled & when nothing prevents.
Marketability, high school students earning
our Washington American High School
diploma increase their marketability when
applying to colleges and universities.
Students can work at their convenience, balancing their time commitments towards their education.
Enroll into a unique college Prep Online High School. Learn collaboratively with students Worldwide.
Our robust curriculum ensures that our programs are widely recognized and respected across the U.S. and beyond.
The success coach is an academic advisor to students, providing them with the necessary resources for success.
Real-Time one-on-one tutoring. Anytime students need help.
Instructors connect with students, creating a classroom community.
Video recordings, live lectures, readings, and assessments and more.
Clear expectations and positive relationships are fostered; active learning is promoted.
Dedicated college Assistance with admission application from start to finish.
SAT test-taking strategies that can boost PSAT score.
Academic Courses needed to become a U.S. college athlete.
Regional accreditation means a secured membership in one of the six regional associations that accredit schools in the 50 U.S. states and in many foreign countries. The six regional associations recognized as the accrediting bodies for public schools throughout the country are: